The clock is ticking, take part








The clock is ticking, take part








Susanna Laurin

Susanna Laurin is the Chair of the Funka Foundation, a Research and Innovation Center focusing on end user involvement, disabilities, empowerment and accessibility.  She has been a thought leader in the field of digitalisation, inclusion and e-government for more than 20 years and she is a frequent international lecturer and debater. Susanna is a certified professional in accessibility core competences (CPACC), through IAAP.

Susanna has led a series of successful national, Nordic and European projects on employment for people with disabilities, discrimination in recruitment based on AI as well as accessibility-related discrimination in digital systems. One of the most ground-breaking projects focused on preparing young persons with disabilities for the labour market, including the recruitment process. The project was coordinated by the Funka Foundation and carried out in collaboration with the Swedish Employment Agency, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and Jönköping University. The Labour Market Institute funded the project. On behalf of the Norwegian government, Susanna led a study on how inaccessible internal systems impact persons with disabilities in getting and keeping a job. Currently, she is coordinating contributions from six member states in an EU-wide study on discrimination of persons with disabilities in the workplace and the need for digital accessibility skills, funded by Google and led by the European Disability Forum.

Susanna is the Chair of the ETSI/CEN/CENELEC Joint Technical Body on eAccessibility, responsible for the development and update of the EN301549, to reflect presumed conformance of the Web Accessibility Directive and the upcoming European Accessibility Act.

As one of the leading experts in EU policy and legislation on accessibility, Susanna is leading strategic assignments and research projects on EU level, nationally and across the world. Recent assignments for the European Commission include the formal review of the Web Accessibility Directive and a study on cognitive accessibility.

Susanna is a co-founder, Representative to the EU and also Past Honorary Chair of IAAP, the International Association of Accessibility Professionals, as well as the Representative to the EU for the UN-initiative G3ict.