The clock is ticking, take part








The clock is ticking, take part








Fifth Edition of Women in IT Day: Lessons Learned from Previous Editions

On November 15th, women from all over Europe will gather online for the
fifth edition of Women in IT Day. Why? To consciously develop their careers
in the tech industry. This free event is aimed at ambitious women who wish
to acquire the knowledge and tools necessary to succeed in the world of IT.

The event is organized by Future Collars. Joanna Pruszyńska-Witkowska, co-
founder of Future Collars and co-organizer of Women in IT Day, highlights the
directions and actions of the event. These insights emphasize the four main
benefits the event offers its participants, showcasing its invaluable worth for
women in IT.

1. Access to knowledge for all
We understood that many talented women come from smaller towns where access to specialized IT
knowledge might be limited. Our solution? Online workshops that allow participation from every
corner of the country. This ensures that regardless of their residence, every woman has the
opportunity to enhance her skills.

2. The Power of mentoring
Mentoring is not just about imparting knowledge, but primarily about building relationships and
providing support during challenging career moments. That’s why we’ve created a platform that
allows young professionals to connect with experienced industry experts. We believe that such
collaboration can be the key to success.

3. Balance between professional and personal life
Women in the IT industry often face challenges related to balancing their professional and family
lives. That’s why our program includes panels that help find the perfect balance between work and
personal life.

4. Career as a Project
We emphasize the importance of treating one’s career as a project. Planning, setting goals, and
striving to achieve them are crucial for success in the IT world. Our aim is to provide participants with
the tools that will assist them in realizing their professional dreams. 

Women in IT Day is not just an occasion to celebrate the achievements of women in the tech industry
but primarily a platform for exchanging experiences and acquiring new skills. We eagerly await future
editions and the new lessons they will bring – concludes Joanna Pruszyńska-Witkowska.

The fifth edition of “Women in IT Day 2023” will be held under the theme “Technology is
transforming the world before our eyes – be part of this breakthrough!”. The event is organized by
Future Collars, an innovative digital competency school, in collaboration with the European Women’s
Association and DIGITALEUROPE. Over 50 leading companies, organizations, and media from Poland
and abroad have supported this event.

“Women in IT Day 2023” is a free online conference dedicated to women who wish to consciously
shape their IT career path. It offers eight hours of intensive programming, including lectures,
debates, meetings with potential employers, workshops, speed mentoring sessions, and a wealth of
knowledge and inspiration.

The main goal of the event is to support women in the tech sector through education, relationship-
building, and mentorship. It features leaders and experts from the Polish and European IT industry
who share their knowledge and experience. Future Collars, the main organizer, is an online programming
and digital competency school that offers unique teaching methods. It caters to both individuals looking
to change their career direction and enter the world of IT and companies seeking effective development
programs for their employees.



HEADLINE PARTNERS: PKO BP, Centralny Ośrodek Informatyki, Accenture, BNP Paribas Bank Polska, Orange,
Point72, PwC, Totalizator Sportowy, GPW, SimCorp HONORARY PATRONAGE: Ministerstwo Rodziny i Polityki
Społecznej, Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji, KIGEIT Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji POLSA
Polska Agencja Kosmiczna SUPPORTING PARTNERS: HR Hints,, Fundacja Jolanty Kwaśniewskiej
Porozumienie Bez Barier, Blockchain, IAESTE, Bring Women Back to Work, Youth Human Impact, Fundacja
Kobiety Medycyny, CCIFP Francusko-Polska Izba Gospodarcza, Challenge Rocket com, Fundacja Rozwoju
Społeczeństwa Wiedzy THINK! Konfederacja Lewiatan, HackYeah, FOB, She Skillz, Polska Izba Informatyki i
Telekomunikacji PIIT, Fundacja Liderek Biznesu, MMC Polska, Cyber Clue, OPI Ośrodek Przetwarzania
Informacji, Sukces Pisany Szminką, Share the care, SoDA, Nesst, Instytut Bez Stresu, Cyber Women Community,
Eklektika MEDIA PARTNERS: Connecting IT Poland,,,, TVP
Bydgoszcz,, Mamo Pracuj, Talenti, BiznesTuba, Fintek, Polska Sky, Businesswoman&life 5
COOPERATION: Future Collars, DIGITALEUROPE, European Women’s Association